Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Struggle

I'm facing an internal struggle these days between wanting to do absolutely nothing and wanting to work hard and give all of my responsibilities the attention they deserve. I try to inspire myself by learning about other people's success stories. I really enjoy hearing about how people were just like me once and through hard work and a passion for their dreams, were able to achieve everything they hoped, and more. But then after that...I just want to lie on the couch and waste the night away. It's quite the predicament.

I just don't always know how to motivate myself. I want to work a lot and make lots of money, but I also want to be able to have lots of free time so that I can go for a jog or just watch Netflix in bed. I want to spend my night going above and beyond, working extra hours for my editorial job so that I can make sure all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed...but the next thing I know it's 11pm and I'm still on tumblr, mindlessly scrolling until my brain turns to goo.

I've found a few ways to make myself mix my work into my free time:
- Put one of your favourite movies on in the background so you can get work done while watching something you'll enjoy but won't need to pay too much attention to
- Listen to some happy songs. This one, this one and this one are my recent favourites!
- Take breaks (hey, it's your free time)
- Work near a friend so you can chit chat and pretend you're being social...but really, you're working
- Use it as an excuse to drink more coffee (mmm coffee)

It's not always easy to see the point in all the work when your goals get muddled by the drab and dreary details of everyday life but there's nothing better than working hard and being recognized for it. Mediocrity is for the lazy!

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Coffee Enthusiast, Hard Worker with a Bad Case of Procrastinatia (I made that disease what!?)

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