Thursday, December 3, 2020

Tiny, Beautiful Things

 It's been a year of loss- to say the least.

We've lost some of our freedom, our security, people have lost jobs and worst of all, people have lost people. 

I'd very much like to stop living through historical events thankyouverymuch.

It's easy to sit and dwell on all these things but when I do that it makes me want to fill up my glass with wine and not stop filling it up until I forget all the things this year has taken from us. 

But I want to think a different way. This year has also given me a lot (a privileged point of view) but I think if we all took a second to think, we might see some things we've gained as well.

I'll go first:

- I gained the ability to work from home. I wanted to work from home so badly before the pandemic and it just didn't seem like a possibility. Then all of a sudden we all worked from home and somehow it worked. I've spent many days typing away in my pyjamas, happily moseying over to the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee and stopping by to pet Pete on the way. It's a calmer and cozier life than my one before and it feels good.

- I took up walking alone. Seems like a simple thing, right? Before the pandemic I felt like a bit of a nut going for a walk. I don't have a dog so I felt like someone aimlessly wandering the streets. Then I threw that limiting belief out the window and just left the house. I've walked almost every inch of town. I found a favourite route and listened to audio books and podcasts. I've stopped and took a giant whiff of forested air or paused to watch the leaves as the wind shook them from trees. I took photos of the simple beauties I saw like blooming trees, sun flares, and paths littered orange with leaves. I felt a lot more peace and gratitude.

- I had time to learn new things. Along with everyone else on the planet I learned to make rye bread. I learned how to make an amazing margarita. I tried baking tarts. We bought a bread maker and are experimenting with different recipes. I'm learning the piano. I've wanted to learn an instrument all my life- and dabbled as a kid but I've never tried again as an adult. Something made me feel like it was too late. This year I said screw it and asked to borrow my sister's keyboard. Now I'm taking lessons I find on youtube and just enjoying messing around.

- I established a morning routine. Oye. This one makes me feel like some instagram influencer who is about to tell you about running 7k before eating oatmeal and then doing her 50 step beauty routine but honestly, it's not that complicated. I found what works for me. I drink a big glass of water and then I stretch. I write 5 things I'm grateful for in a journal. The things I write are not big, obvious things like Jordan, or being healthy or having a roof over our head. They're small, insignificant things that I take time to notice each day. This way I'm always on the lookout for tiny, beautiful things in my everyday life, like how last week we got a bread maker and I woke up to the smell of bread, or how when you pickup the dish soap tiny bubbles pop out and dance around. Simple, beautiful, wonderful things. That's it. That's my morning routine and I love it. I used to meditate too but I realized I didn't like it. I'm trying out affirmations in the mirror right now and am still unsure how I feel about that. Try your own routines. Try your own acts of self-love. It really does a mind good!

- I'm knitting again. I haven't knit in a couple years and it feels so good to get back to it, to do something creative and work with my hands instead of letting them scroll through a screen.

- We've gotten super into hiking. This has truly been my greatest joy to come out of quarantine. Every weekend lately we've found a trail nearby, woken up early and gotten out to it. I can't describe how much happiness it brings me to be outside, to be away from screens and electronics, to move my body and to feel the calm and beauty of nature. It's opened our minds for more camping trips and winter hiking possibilities and now I'm dreaming of a day someday when we can have a cabin of our own and be in nature all the time!

This year has taken things from us in many different ways. We've lost the opportunity to connect with so many people, to see them, to hug them. We cancelled our dream, bucket list trip to Japan in March. We have faced uncertainty about so many things in the future. We've also been given so much this year. We bought a new house that we love and are so happy in. We've spent more time with our families than ever before. We've spent more time together doing new things and more time in nature. We've gotten as much as we have had taken.

I'm sure if you think too there's a lot that may have come from this year to you as well. 

From the Desk of:

Taylor Brown
2020 Survivor

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Life Lately


It's basically lock down time again y'all!

Technically my city is in the red zone because 8 months into the pandemic we're now introducing colour systems. We'll probably be in the red until well after Christmas I suspect with maybe a lock down afterwards. Oh the world is full of fun possibilities innit?

What this means for me is I'm back to working from home and stressing about if I am gonna get the coronavirus from the heightened cases of community spread. Yippee!

All jokes aside we're pretty lucky that the only thing we've sufffered from in our house is a case of boredom. I'm am happy to be officially missing out on the days of having to heat up my car before I go to work and bad weather is actually super nice when you don't have to go out in it.

So what have I been up to lately?

- My new favourite thing to do is to post up on our coach on weekend afternoons. I pull the tv out as far as I can on it's wallmount, get my weighted blanket, grab my knitting and a big cup of coffee and just watch movies or Netflix. Bonus points if it's snowing outside! Recently I've been watching the Queen's Gambit and last weekend I watched The Family Stone. 

- We've gotten some snow around here finally and I want to give some winter hiking a try! Hopefully the snow sticks around till this weekend and Jordan and I can try it out on a trail we're familiar with. I just think it will be so freaking beautiful!

-We got all of our Christmas shopping done! Woohoo!

- Our Christmas tree is up and it has really been contributing to my cozy, weekend rituals! I'm working on finding ways to keep Pete out of it. I've tried putting orange and lemon essential oils in a spray bottle with water and spraying it on the tree and that still hasn't stopped him. I'm gonna try putting orange peels in and around the tree and see if that works. He truly is a demon.

I'm so glad December is finally here. We've only got a few weeks left of work and then it's Christmas time! After new years Jordan and I are getting away to a little Airbnb and I'm super looking forward to that. We love getting away in the winter and extending Christmas break by a few days doesn't sound too bad either.

Hope you're finding ways to stay busy and sane out there pals!

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
December Enthusiast