Thursday, February 18, 2016

Whole30 Day 3 and 4

Here is an accurate depiction of how I felt on Whole30 Day 3:

I was pretty much living the life of a Hawaiian goddess thanks to the copious amounts of pineapple salsa I had taken to consuming. It is the perfect pair for basically any meat dish.

I had a pretty great day and felt full all throughout. I had dinner out with my family for my Grandma's 80th birthday and that's where my true willpower was put to the test. I ordered a grilled chicken breast, steamed vegetables, and a plain baked potato. It all seemed like an incredibly boring order but it was actually delicious.

There's definitely a lot less of a chance for excitement when you're dining out because you have to be so cautious of what you're eating and what's been added to it. I was wishing I had some pineapple salsa to add to my meal so people would stop looking at me like I was torturing myself. Then I could be like "see guys, I'm happy! I swear!" Regardless, I did have a really great meal with a group of really great people.

I came home and immediately began slicing and dicing to make some long awaited salsa:

Ehh...needs pineapple.

Now, to how I'm feeling on Whole30 day 4:

Today I'm feeling a little bit more of the hangover that I read that I would be feeling around this time. (Full disclosure: I'm not 100% sure whether I actually feel this way or whether I read that I would and began having a bad case of hypochondria). Nonetheless, today just feels a lot better when I'm sitting down.

I'm starting to dream of some new recipes I'd like to try once this week is out and I'm mentally adding the ingredients for a chili, or maybe even a roasted chicken??

So far my life has been spent in the kitchen or the grocery store but it hasn't bothered me yet. I think I need to acquaint myself with the art of food prep.

And that's where I am with this thing called the Whole30 so far. Until next time!

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Owner of a Mounting To-Make/To-Eat List

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