Friday, July 24, 2015

Renovation Motivation

Before we started looking for houses I warned Jordan that if he wanted us to get a house that needed renovations and if we were going to be spending all of our free time tearing things down, being covered in dry wall dust, and living a life where relaxation was nothing but an unattainable day dream then I was going to be grumpy. I warned him that I was probably going to cry. I warned him that he wouldn't be allowed to get mad at me, that he would have to tell me to work anyways and ignore my whining.

I was pretty spot on with my prediction.

Initially we had been renovating at a really great pace. We were spending every single night in the basement tearing things down and making a huge mess. Things have started to get a little slower at this point. There's a lot more technical stuff to do, I'm usually pretty lost when I go down there, and workers have started to come in and take over. At this point we're right in the middle of it and I am getting burnt out but this is the stuff we trained for. This is the stuff I warned about.

I'm definitely a bit of a grumpy gus and I will offer to do anything else helpful to avoid more renovating. I mow the lawn, I clean the house from top to bottom, I go grocery shopping. Anything to avoid it but also get other important things done.

Luckily I have an amazing person to do this with. Seriously, Jordan never stops. This is definitely his rodeo, I am just one of the clowns. He has set up everything, booked every inspection, met with every plumber, drywaller, and HVAC technician. And he has pushed me through all of this and been totally patient at the same time. This thing would be no where without him.

But honestly, you need to know what you're getting yourself into when you start a reno. I'm talking about how much time, energy and $money$. Like a lot, of money. Take how much you think it will be and then times that by 3. OYE!.

The great thing about it? We're working toward something together that is completely for us. We're doing it all ourselves and it will pay off in the future. I can't wait for it to be over, I'm not going to lie, but I can't wait to see how amazing everything is when we've finished.

Thank you for listening to my mid-renovation ramblings while we're right in the thick of things. Ask me how I feel in two months.

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Construction Cry Baby

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