Friday, June 20, 2014

Making Things

I'm a pretty big fan of DIY's despite the fact that in the end, making something yourself tends to cost you a little bit more. As a broke girl I put this aside for a few reasons:

1. It's fun!
I spent most of the afternoon making necklaces yesterday. It's a great way to do something productive and creative, and it keeps you away from the computer screen that I'm so often glued to.

2. It's a good chance to get outside
A lot of DIY's are done outside because…paint. I got a nice little bronze going yesterday afternoon!

3. You create something unique
Even if you're following a DIY that you've seen online or re-creating something you've seen in a store, it's unique because you made it. It will inevitably have little imperfections and special things that are unique to you.

4. You'll cherish it more
I'm pretty sure the things that I've created personally will stay with me longer than something that I bought at a store. These are the kinds of things that I'd want to keep until I have kids of my own. They're just special that way. Also, how fun is it to tell people you MADE something after they ask you where you got it? The answer is lots of fun.

I've been wanting to do this DIY for a while now and I finally went to the craft store this week and made the leap. 

Here are the results:

I'm pretty happy with the results :)

All together the materials cost $50.00, which means these necklaces were about $25 a piece. This may seem like a lot but I think it was worth it. I love them a lot.

Not all DIY's are expensive though. Check out what I did last week:

That's right! I painted that bad boy! And all together the entire bench cost me $20!

Last summer someone on my street had put the bench out on garbage day and I swooped in and carried it back to my house (with the help of my boyfriend because I finally got around to painting it last week (mostly because my mom was threatening to get rid of it if I didn't). It was in pretty bad shape. The lacquer was peeling and it needed a good sanding. I got a belt sander and did some magic, spent a ridiculous amount of time taping the metal, and attacked it with some spray paint. It's not perfect by any means but I'm a big fan.

I wonder what I'll make next!

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
DIY-Enthusiast, Paint-Covered and Sun Kissed

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