Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Grin and Bear It

I tend to think of myself as a pretty laid back person. Yes, I'm a stickler for being on time and I thrive on organization, but I also am less likely to find myself in conflict or confrontation with another person. I may be bothered by what others do but I tend to keep it to myself and only vent to those closest to me.  Truthfully, I am just terrified of confrontation. Any time I've ever been confronted in my life I usually end up crying and looking like a big weakling. I've found that it's simply easier to let people do what they are going to do and to not let it affect me too much. I know this may seem like a pushover move but I'm here to tell you why it's better to not rock the boat.

1. You'll be happier if you're not surrounded by conflict
    Any time I've ever been in a state of conflict in my life I tend to get extremely stressed out. I find myself more stressed out by the conflict than by what was bothering me before.

2. The problem usually takes care of itself
    I've found that the problems I usually have, usually get taken care of. If I'm afraid that my friend is acting weird, I find that if I wait it out, they'll usually go back to normal. When someone is bugging me, I usually find that by not engaging in conflict with them then I can usually get to know them better, then I can better communicate with them and then I don't have to create a conflict, I can have a kind and understanding conversation with them.

3. People will appreciate your positive attitude
    I'm not even going to try and lie to you by telling you I'm a positive person. I can definitely be negative. Sometimes I find myself only spewing complaints out of my mouth, but who wants to be around that person? I find that when I try my best to be positive and not engage in gossip and bashing then I'm able to be seen as someone who people can trust and who they want to be around. Also, we aren't in school anymore kids! There is no longer a space for negativity and gossip. We have to be adults about our problems now.

If all else fails grab your closest and most trusted friend and let it all out. It's healthy to just talk it over but make sure you aren't doing it with every single person you know. Keep your complaining to someone you trust who will actually want to listen and help you with your problems.

And remember:

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Laid-Back Lady

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