Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Readings on my Radar

So I have noticed that y'all liked my book posts! Thank you! Thank you! *(bows dramatically)*

I thought a good idea would be to update you with some books I have my eye on. If I end up reading them I'll let you know but this is still a good way for me to give out some book reviews (endorsement or not!). Basically though, I hope you read them, tell me if they're good or not and save me a bucket load of time. BE MY PROOF READER PLZ CAUSE I'M TOO LAZY TO START BOOKS I WON'T FINISH.

So here's some books for you to read first, I expect an update by the end of the week:

1. Everything I Never Told You- Celeste Ng

This book is on my list basically because I can't read a list of book recommendations without seeing this on it. This can be a bad thing because it may not live up to the hype, but at the same time I put off reading Room for that reason and ended up loving it so that'll teach me to think I'm subversive.

2. Where Did You Sleep Last Night?- Lynn Crosbie

I read the back of this book while in a book store recently and haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I'm definitely in the mood for something a little less serious to read and who wouldn't want to be transported to an alternate universe where they're dating Kurt Cobain? No one, That's who.

3, The Bad Feminist- Roxanne Gay

I've heard some good things about this book and I am really interested in reading some different opinions on what it is to be a feminist so this book is definitely a must read for me.

4. They Left Us Everything- Plum Johnson

This book looks so interesting. I just think the idea of getting to truly know people who you've "known" for all your life is such a common thing that happens once people are gone. I'd love to see how this author portrays that.

5. All the Light We Cannot See- Anthony Doerr

I find World War II history fascinating and I think this story is a really interesting take on historical fiction. I already feel like I need to know what happens to the characters and I've only read the synopsis.

Now go forth and read (or dont'....whatever)

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Readerrrrr, nothing but a readerrrr. Nothing but her head in the books (Oh no).

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