Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Whole30 Round 3: We Almost One Third Done Y'all!

Hey Hi Hello!

I'm officially on day nine of the January Whole30 and so far I haven't had any major meltdowns, tests of my will, or moments of complete misery *knocks on wood, throws salt over left shoulder, sprinkles holy water*

I'm feeling really good so far and I haven't gotten too bored with food yet, although I am missing honey oddly enough (I just really love honey balsamic Brussel sprouts). Oh and Ketchup, I will forever miss ketchup. Still haven't made my own so I guess that's my own damn fault.

I just got over the sleepy phase of the Whole30. Yes this is a thing. Apparently my body is working very hard to get over my sugar addiction. Usually my body craves sugar and I'm all like "sure, body, that sounds good to me." And then it gets sugar and we're all happy until we're not. Now when my body looks for sugar for energy it doesn't get any so it's been working really hard to find energy other places and my hopes it that it's finding it in fat deposits that it previously stored when it was like "I don't need this energy, I'll just get some sugar and save this for later, preferably in your midsection and that place on your upper arms. That's where it will stay safe." WELL GUESS WHAT BODY: IT'S TIME TO KONMARI THIS ENERGY. YAH FEEL?

Sorry- I got a little worked up there. I'm pretty high energy now that my body is figuring it's shiz out.

ANYWHO: I went rock climbing last night and this could be pure placebo but I felt a lot stronger than I did when I went two weeks ago. I'm also going to a spin class tonight so we'll see if I really am new and improved already.

Wanna see what I've been eating?

It did not take long for me to get sick of eating chicken breasts so I've tried to incorporate different proteins and also different sides because I should probably cut down on my potato intake (even if in my humble opinion potatoes=life. Yah know?)

<< We made chicken meatballs (my favourite Whole30 recipe) 
with spaghetti squash and tomato sauce. It was soooooo good y'all >> 

 << Do I get bonus points if my smoothie matches my yoga pants? >>

 << Okay, so I'm still on those potatoes BUT I also made garlic 
cauliflower mash and it was delicious so at least there's that>>
<< I've really been enjoying using the Whole30 Day by Day book. It really helps guide me 
along and it feels good to have a nightly routine. Especially when that routine includes 
checking off a very self-satifying box that says "I DID IT" each night >>

In other news: 
- I'm watching The End of the F***ing World on Netflix and it's pretty amazing so far. 
- We went to Costco for a few Whole30 things and ended up spending $330. What.The.Frick?
- We're getting our house painted next week and I am be-yond stoked about getting rid of those boring beige walls
- I'm getting my first (and probably only) tattoo next weekend and I am super scared. Anxiety levels have peaked over here. I'm also very excited. That too.

Things are mighty good over here, even if I can't eat honey for another 21 days (but who's counting?)

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Human Potato

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