Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Whole30 Round 3: It's Over?

Wowowowowow. That went so fast.

I know it's easy to say that in hindsight, but it really did.

This has most definitely been my best and very favourite Whole30 yet. I mean, my first Whole30 definitely was full of more effort for food variety but I have never felt the results from a Whole30 that I'm feeling now.

So here's what I'm coming out of Whole30 with this time:

- The biggest and best result I've seen on this Whole30 is the insane energy. I've eaten very healthy before and all that blah blah and I've never felt my energy change so much. I seriously used to roll my eyes at weight loss commercials where Dads would be like "I can play catch with my kid again!" I am now that Dad.

- Hand in hand with the energy is the fact that I feel like my head is so much clearer than it was before. I used to go through my days feeling incredibly foggy, tired, and grumpy. This Whole30 has made me feel so awake, on the ball, and motivated. I used to nap at least three nights a week and I haven't napped since the first week of my Whole30. I get so much done because I'm not physically and mentally tired after work each day. I also feel that without that fog in my head I'm better at my job(s), I'm a generally nicer person and therefore a better partner.

- I feel physically amazing. Before my Whole30 I was feeling shitty inside and out. I've gotten back a lot of confidence in myself by taking my body into my own hands. I've been catching myself in the mirror and being like "hayyy girl, slayyyy." You know?

- I've been a lot more motivated to go to the gym and have felt I'm getting more out of my workouts. Now that my food is fuel it really is fueling my body. I am able to do more at the gym than I could before. I'm definitely not breaking any records here but I am impressing myself most days so that's a plus. (Sidebar: I also went to the gym without eating any protein on Saturday because I'm an ill-prepared idiot and I did the stair climber for twenty minutes and I almost puked and passed out so like I said, definitely not peak physical condition and definitely need those foods to fuel me).

- I've gotten my hunger and food obsession under control. I love food. I can't help it. It tastes good. Now that I have spent the last month getting as excited about eating as I do about filling my gas tank I've realized that I'm not hungry just because it's noon anymore and that I eat a lot less because when it's not the most delicious thing on the planet you really have no reason to finish it unless you're truly hungry.

My next step is to continue to live Whole30ish. I'm going to re-introduce foods slowly and see how they affect me and then continue to keep a lot of the good habits I've built over this last month.

Things that will stay:

- Green smoothies. These are basically the most delicious things I eat and I've been working on making sure they're full of healthy things like spinach and avocado. They're here to stay.
- Prepping protein and vegetables each week. I've been pretty good at making sure I've got lots of protein in each meal and a side of vegetables (even if I'm continually eating the same things over and over).

- Low sugar but lots of fruit. I think that's been the culprit for my poor energy in the past so I think I'm going to work on keeping the sugar low for the time being.

Ah another Whole30 blogged and in the books. Feels good to say I did it again...I could also possibly be thinking about when my next one will be because I am riding this wave so hard right now.

Until next time:

Taylor Brown
Whole30 Addict

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Whole30 Round 3: WOAH We're Half Way There

<< An actual picture of me with tiger blood: aka the feeling you get on Whole30 when you have SO much energy and you can do anything because you ain't got sugar holding you back>>

My January Whole30 is over halfway done and I'm feeling so good!

During my first Whole30 when I was half done I wrote: Woah we're half way thereeee! Wooahhhh living on a pearrrr! I still find that very funny *personal back pat*

<< I rewarded myself so hard with a new lulu sweater and I was feeeeelinggg myself.
Also my house is a cluster of things in the middle of every room because: painting >>

This is the first Whole30 where I've actually seen the difference in energy that I've heard so much about (aka tiger blood). I honestly feel so energetic, so positive and even stronger. It's very weird. There are a few things I did at the gym before Christmas that were super hard. I went back and did them again on the Whole30 and they where weirdly easier. I don't know if it's all in my head but it's amazing.

Another strange side effect: I think the Whole30 is making me a better person. Hear me out. I'm feeling super energetic and awake (which is a big deal for me, guys- I'm usually SO tired. Like cranky tired. Like need a nap after work tired. Like a celebrity getting checked into Cedar Sinai for exhaustion tired). On the Whole30 I don't need any naps. I'm not super foggy. Most importantly- I'm not super cranky. Ifso facto: better person.

Now for the bad news: I told myself that if the choice was between starving myself and eating something that may be noncompliant I told myself I would have to bend the rules. I'm doing this to be healthy, not to undernourish myself. So last night we were out and running around and I wasn't going to have time to stop home and grab food before I had to go out again so we decided to eat out. We chose Pita Pit so I could get a salad with chicken breast. I tried my best to stay compliant: I ordered a garden salad with chicken breast and a balsamic vinaigrette. I knew I may be getting something with sugar in it but I had to eat! Well, I'm pretty sure there was some sugar in the vinaigrette because I was super tired and foggy the next day. It's SUCH a bummer 1) because I hate breaking the rules and 2) because it's actually crazy how much a little bit of sugar is effecting me. It's good to know that sugar is a culprit for why I feel the way I feel sometimes but honestly, SUGAR? Can't I just intolerant to gluten or something? Sugar is in everything AND it's amazing!

I've been continuing on in spite of that awful day and back on my usually scheduled meals. Here's one:
<< Smoothies and sweet potatoes and my lifeboats, people >>

Other than living the Whole30 I went to the gym quite a bit last week and it felt super good. We had our house painted this week. It turned out so amazing. Now I just have to put house back together! And I'm getting my tattoo this weekend (internally screams in a mixture of excitement and anxiety).

May your week be filled with happiness and your body tolerant to sugar!

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Sugar Demon

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Whole30 Round 3: We Almost One Third Done Y'all!

Hey Hi Hello!

I'm officially on day nine of the January Whole30 and so far I haven't had any major meltdowns, tests of my will, or moments of complete misery *knocks on wood, throws salt over left shoulder, sprinkles holy water*

I'm feeling really good so far and I haven't gotten too bored with food yet, although I am missing honey oddly enough (I just really love honey balsamic Brussel sprouts). Oh and Ketchup, I will forever miss ketchup. Still haven't made my own so I guess that's my own damn fault.

I just got over the sleepy phase of the Whole30. Yes this is a thing. Apparently my body is working very hard to get over my sugar addiction. Usually my body craves sugar and I'm all like "sure, body, that sounds good to me." And then it gets sugar and we're all happy until we're not. Now when my body looks for sugar for energy it doesn't get any so it's been working really hard to find energy other places and my hopes it that it's finding it in fat deposits that it previously stored when it was like "I don't need this energy, I'll just get some sugar and save this for later, preferably in your midsection and that place on your upper arms. That's where it will stay safe." WELL GUESS WHAT BODY: IT'S TIME TO KONMARI THIS ENERGY. YAH FEEL?

Sorry- I got a little worked up there. I'm pretty high energy now that my body is figuring it's shiz out.

ANYWHO: I went rock climbing last night and this could be pure placebo but I felt a lot stronger than I did when I went two weeks ago. I'm also going to a spin class tonight so we'll see if I really am new and improved already.

Wanna see what I've been eating?

It did not take long for me to get sick of eating chicken breasts so I've tried to incorporate different proteins and also different sides because I should probably cut down on my potato intake (even if in my humble opinion potatoes=life. Yah know?)

<< We made chicken meatballs (my favourite Whole30 recipe) 
with spaghetti squash and tomato sauce. It was soooooo good y'all >> 

 << Do I get bonus points if my smoothie matches my yoga pants? >>

 << Okay, so I'm still on those potatoes BUT I also made garlic 
cauliflower mash and it was delicious so at least there's that>>
<< I've really been enjoying using the Whole30 Day by Day book. It really helps guide me 
along and it feels good to have a nightly routine. Especially when that routine includes 
checking off a very self-satifying box that says "I DID IT" each night >>

In other news: 
- I'm watching The End of the F***ing World on Netflix and it's pretty amazing so far. 
- We went to Costco for a few Whole30 things and ended up spending $330. What.The.Frick?
- We're getting our house painted next week and I am be-yond stoked about getting rid of those boring beige walls
- I'm getting my first (and probably only) tattoo next weekend and I am super scared. Anxiety levels have peaked over here. I'm also very excited. That too.

Things are mighty good over here, even if I can't eat honey for another 21 days (but who's counting?)

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Human Potato

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Whole30 Round 3: My Real Reasons for Doing it and How It's Going

Happy Happy Happy New Year!

I'm not gonna lie: I'm a sucker for new years. I really do love the tradition of fresh starts, reflection and making plans to better yourself. I know people get down on resolutions and the "do or die" attitude that comes with them but I think there's something special about a time of the year when everyone feels a little spark of optimism and motivation. But that's just me.

Over December I was feeling like c-r-a-p. 2017 was the first year in a long time when I feel like I'd lost my motivation for living a healthy lifestyle. I did a running group in the summer and told myself it was going to make get back into running (I used to love to run and would run 5k 2-3 times week) but it actually just burnt me out on running completely. Most important of all: I lost my motivation for healthy eating. I felt like I was finding it harder and harder to practice good habits throughout last year. This led to a year of constantly feeling like I was struggling with eating and exercise.

By Christmas I had decided that I wanted to do a Whole30 this year and not just any Whole30: The January Whole30. Twice a year Whole30 hosts a group Whole30 where they invite anyone to join and follow along on their social media. Every day there are posts and videos sharing how you should be feeling, different recipes, and motivation. I've wanted to do a Whole30 with "the group" for a long time so I figured January Whole30 was as good a time as any. So my first new years resolution was born.

If you don't remember: I did two Whole30s in 2016. My first Whole30 was amazing. I updated this blog every other day with how I was feeling and what I was eating. It was a lot of fun. Tough but fun. My second Whole30 was a lot harder, a lot less fun and midway through I was exhausted but I trucked through. 2017 saw no Whole30s but also a lot less passion for healthy recipes, swaps and experimentation. By then end of 2017 I realized I was ready to do another Whole30 again.

A lot of people call Whole30 a diet and it's not. It's 30 days of eating exclusively whole foods and of cutting wheat, dairy, alcohol, sugar, legumes and sulfites (these are foods that commonly inflame your gut but you can read more about it here). It means I have to spend more time cooking, thinking about my food choices, and making healthy decisions. My main motivation is not just "to stop eating chocolate" as I tell most people. That's my simplified answer. It's really to take time to stop and reevaluate my relationship with food. Being on the Whole30 creates a mindfulness that I often lose when it comes to food. I find a lot of pleasure in food and when I'm on the Whole30 I just don't a lot of the time (to be honest). It's a really great way for me to stop associating food with such pleasure and to focus on the true meaning of food: nourishment. I begin to place less value on the taste of food and more on it's utility: will it keep me full for a long time? I do find ways to get creative though and still make things tasty, just not delicious. When I am not eating for pure pleasure it's also a lot easier for me to recognize when I'm truly full or truly hungery. Whole30 for me is a reset but it's not about clearing my body of toxins and sugars (even though it does). I'm clearing myself of bad habits around food. Oh and I feel ah-maze-ing by the end. Seriously amazing.

Sorry if this is all TMI. I honestly feel a bit weird sharing this with people. I don't usually talk a lot about food or some of my issues with it because its a very touchy a personal subject for me but if someone can relate then I think it's worth my discomfort here.

Okay so: how's it going?

Well I began on January 1, 2018 at midnight. I know.

Getting ready for new years I was pretty stoked to end the year and start a brand shiny new one:

I drank up until 11:59 because I'm a stickler like that. I have to say: I would not recommend starting the Whole30 with a hangover:
<< This is a face covered by fear, regret, and last nights bad decisions >>

It's turned out to be better than my day one self expected. I was more mentally prepared than I knew and I had stocked up on some things I hadn't had my last Whole30 (like compliant BACON). 

My meals have looked a lot like this so far:

There's always some sort of potato on the plate, along with either chicken, bacon or eggs, and I try to get a vegetable in there too.

I also found some complaint guac (YUM) and made the best rosemary roasted almonds:

Tonight I'm making chicken meatballs and spaghetti squash with compliant jarred pasta sauce *praise hands*

I'll keep updating you folks with this Whole30 journey. It's feeling really great so far. I feel like I'm starting 2018 off right and surprisingly I haven't used up all my willpower yet because I almost bought four different things online and stopped myself today so I guess I'm basically perfect now.

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Resolution Maker

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Book Goals 2018

Every year I make a New Years resolution to read a certain number of books. Sometimes the goal is 15 when I'm feeling especially motivated or sometimes, like this year, it's a modest 12. For the last three years my goal has been to read new books but I'm changing that this year.

I love to re-read my favourite books. Some people read a book and never pick it up again but I'm not one of those people. I love to experience novels again with fresh eyes and fresh experiences. I love to catch things I didn't the first time and I really love remembering what life was like the last time I read that book.

This year my goal is to simply read 12 books, old, new...whatever. I'm excited to give myself the permission to explore some of my old favourites and just let reading be fun, instead of making it a goal I'm working towards.

I'm going to write a post about some of my all time favourite books, some of which I may reread this year. I think it will be a good way to share some amazing books that I don't usually get to share because I only tell you about the books I read of the last year (good or bad). So stay tuned for the motherload of book recommendations!

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Book Nostalgist