Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Whole30 Round 3: It's Over?

Wowowowowow. That went so fast.

I know it's easy to say that in hindsight, but it really did.

This has most definitely been my best and very favourite Whole30 yet. I mean, my first Whole30 definitely was full of more effort for food variety but I have never felt the results from a Whole30 that I'm feeling now.

So here's what I'm coming out of Whole30 with this time:

- The biggest and best result I've seen on this Whole30 is the insane energy. I've eaten very healthy before and all that blah blah and I've never felt my energy change so much. I seriously used to roll my eyes at weight loss commercials where Dads would be like "I can play catch with my kid again!" I am now that Dad.

- Hand in hand with the energy is the fact that I feel like my head is so much clearer than it was before. I used to go through my days feeling incredibly foggy, tired, and grumpy. This Whole30 has made me feel so awake, on the ball, and motivated. I used to nap at least three nights a week and I haven't napped since the first week of my Whole30. I get so much done because I'm not physically and mentally tired after work each day. I also feel that without that fog in my head I'm better at my job(s), I'm a generally nicer person and therefore a better partner.

- I feel physically amazing. Before my Whole30 I was feeling shitty inside and out. I've gotten back a lot of confidence in myself by taking my body into my own hands. I've been catching myself in the mirror and being like "hayyy girl, slayyyy." You know?

- I've been a lot more motivated to go to the gym and have felt I'm getting more out of my workouts. Now that my food is fuel it really is fueling my body. I am able to do more at the gym than I could before. I'm definitely not breaking any records here but I am impressing myself most days so that's a plus. (Sidebar: I also went to the gym without eating any protein on Saturday because I'm an ill-prepared idiot and I did the stair climber for twenty minutes and I almost puked and passed out so like I said, definitely not peak physical condition and definitely need those foods to fuel me).

- I've gotten my hunger and food obsession under control. I love food. I can't help it. It tastes good. Now that I have spent the last month getting as excited about eating as I do about filling my gas tank I've realized that I'm not hungry just because it's noon anymore and that I eat a lot less because when it's not the most delicious thing on the planet you really have no reason to finish it unless you're truly hungry.

My next step is to continue to live Whole30ish. I'm going to re-introduce foods slowly and see how they affect me and then continue to keep a lot of the good habits I've built over this last month.

Things that will stay:

- Green smoothies. These are basically the most delicious things I eat and I've been working on making sure they're full of healthy things like spinach and avocado. They're here to stay.
- Prepping protein and vegetables each week. I've been pretty good at making sure I've got lots of protein in each meal and a side of vegetables (even if I'm continually eating the same things over and over).

- Low sugar but lots of fruit. I think that's been the culprit for my poor energy in the past so I think I'm going to work on keeping the sugar low for the time being.

Ah another Whole30 blogged and in the books. Feels good to say I did it again...I could also possibly be thinking about when my next one will be because I am riding this wave so hard right now.

Until next time:

Taylor Brown
Whole30 Addict

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