Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Book Club

I don't know if you know this about me...but I'm a reader.

I consider myself such a reader that when I saw Joanna Gaines wearing a "Book Club" sweater I went ahead of scoured the internet for one of my own. When I couldn't find myself one I went ahead and had one made (see above!). Seriously, check out @customlymadewithlove on instagram. I sent a grainy picture of the sweater I was looking for and we worked together to make the sweater of my book-loving dreams. And it was such a great price!

Who am I kidding, if you read this blog knowing I'm a reader may be the main thing you know about me since my annual book review is my most (and only) consistent blog post.

I l-o-v-e writing my annual book review and sharing all the books I've spent the past 12 months immersing myself in but I also don't think it's nice to be so dang greedy with my book selections. I think I should share a bit as I go!

That's why I'm going to share what I've been reading so far this year and what I want to read. That way we don't have to wait a whole year for some book recommendations! I'll still share what I think of my books at the end of each year but I thought this could be fun!

Each year I make a goal for myself to read 12 books. This year I'm doing really well with my goal! I'm already on my 6th book this year! Last year I hadn't even finished my first book until March (or maybe even April!).

I won't get too in-depth about any of these books but I will tell you that two are re-reads of a couple of my favourite books (so that means I dang-well like them!) and the rest have all been winners so you can't go wrong with these picks!

Let's do this!

Books read so far in 2019:

1. White Oleander- Janet Finch (Re-read)
2. Nobody Cares- Anne T. Donnahue (Um hi, Anne went to my highschool- at a different time than me- and lives in my hometown and this book made.me.feel.seen even though we have literally never crossed paths).
3. Homebody- Joanna Gaines (I mean, duh!)
4. Stranger in the Woods- Michael Finkel (Fascinating)
5. Survivor- Chuck Palahniuk (Re-read)

Current read:

Educated- Tara Westover (a recommendation from my sister!)

Books I either already have or plan to read:

1. White American Youth- Christian Picciolini (Already purchased)
2. Adjustment Day- Chuck Palahniuk (Favourite author- enough said)
3. How Not to Kill Your Houseplant- Veronica Peerless (I need this so badly)

I hope this has given you some great inspiration! Now we're in a book club together except we will never discuss the books together and you can just wait until December to hear what I actually think of the book. I mean, I can't think of a better Book Club, personally.

Happy reading, pals!

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Book Club President

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