So sorry to be MIA but I've just been busy living my friends, living and eating. Let's go back and I can share with you what I've been up to on this little Whole30 blogging hiatus.
First of all, my will to create meals is falling to an all time low. Please review the following:
<< A dinner of eggs and a buttload of mushrooms and onions, because I just could not fathom the idea of making anything more elaborate>>
<< My previous nights dinner of eggs meant that I just could not crack another the following morning so I made a gigantic fruit bowl instead>>
<< My aversion to meat reached it's peak when I made chips and dipped them in garlic aioli>>
I've been feeling incredibly lethargic and tired lately and I couldn't figure out why when I had been feeling so awesome and energetic up until now:
I did a little research and I think the culprit is a lack of carbs. I never ever thought I would say that since I'm in love with carbs on an Oprah level (I LOVE BREAADDD!). But here we are and I'm working on getting the carbs back in so I can feel alive again!
I have started to try to get my will to prep actually food back. On Saturday I made some burgers:
I tried eating a patty in a salad and it was decent. I mixed my aioli, ketchup and mustard together and it was not too shabby. The aioli is a bit oily so I felt a little weighed down. I had another burger the next day with potatoes and asparagus and it was a much more fulfilling meal.
Last night we made home made pasta sauce and spaghetti squash:
It was definitely not perfect but I've got some ideas to improve it for next time (including ground beef because it just ain't spaghetti without it!)
Today I am feeling some sort of major hangover type feeling. I do not know what I haven't been getting enough of but I need to find out fast. I think I need to simultaneously eat a ton of fruit, scarf a potato, eat a steak, and take a nap.
Most importantly: today is my half way point! So.dang.excited.WOAH WE'RE HALF WAY THERE! WOAAAH LIVING ON A PEAR (get it, get it!?)
Tonight I'm rock climbing, making a full roasted chicken and hopefully sleeping a.freaking.lot.
From the desk of:
Taylor Brown
Taylor Brown
Living on a Pear
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