Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Month Without Sweets

<< I have a very strong relationship with my sweets >>

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am doing a six month health challenge with my friend Tessa. You can find the post here.

Month one was no chocolate, candy, chips, lattes or baked goods. I am proud to report that I made it through the entire month without one slip up. Tessa had a latte so she has one mark against her (muaha).

The way the competition works is that each slip up you have leads to one mark against you. Marks are tallied up at the end of the six months and the winner gets a prize that is yet to be decided upon.

Life without chocolate, candy, chips, lattes or baked goods was easier than I expected. I'm the kind of person who's better with not being able to have something altogether vs. only being able to have a little bit of it. It felt hard because I have a huge sweet tooth but I learned to curb it with fruit. Mostly I'm proud of all of the things I passed up during this time. I know there are times when I would have eaten cookies that were just lying around or reached for some chocolate, but the competition kept me from it.

Now that the month is over I'm trying to keep some restrictions going. I know I can say no so I want to continue to. I do allow myself a chocolate every once in a while (it's my guilty pleasure), but I know how crappy it makes me feel so I try to stay away. Tess said she's trying to keep going as well and keep her intake to a minimum.

This month was SUPPOSED to be to drink 8 glasses of water and  have one servings of veggies a day but I messed it up. I thought it was to drink 8 glasses and to have one serving of protein. I didn't realize until a few days in so Tess was kind and let me just switch up protein for this month and do veggies next month.

Sadly, I have a mark against me. I was sick on Tuesday and only drank ginger ale all day so my water consumption did not happen. Now we're even.

I highly recommend trying to cut out chocolate, candy, chips, lattes and baked goods for a month. It's the perfect combo because you can't curb your sweet cravings with chips or vice versa. It really keeps you from falling back one something else that's still unhealthy.

Until next month!

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Water-drinking, protein-eaching, chocolate-shunning maniac!

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