Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Holiday Season

I've told you guys before that I can be a bit of a holiday Grinch but if you know me then you may know that I can also really get into the holiday. The biggest problem this year is that I work retail and that really sucks the love out of Christmas for me, not gonna lie. But good always comes with the bad so I thought I'd make a list of the pros and cons of the holiday season this year.

Let's start with the cons because everyone knows that you should always save the best for last.

- I have to work basically non-stop every day that isn't a national holiday
- People are generally pretty darn rude at the mall this time of year
- I am cold all.the.time
- It's hard to get around in the snow
- I have to buy gifts for lots of people aka spend all of my money

Now for the pros because, contrary to my above complaints, I actually have tons in my life right now.

- I have a job, two actually.
- I'm going to have lots of money by the time this is all over and have had enough money to buy everyone gifts this year.
- There are also nice people this time of year who say "Merry Christmas" and let you in front of them on the road (Oh, and you can be one of those people too!)
- I actually have a home to go to so I can get warm
- I have a car until Christmas so I don't have to take the bus
- I've gotten the chance to be creative with my gifts like learning to make peppermint bark and I've had fun wrapping and decorating gifts

There's a lot of beauty in this season but I think we forget to stop for a second sometimes and check it out.

Here's some of that beauty that I've found lately:
 << Coffee is my favourite source of warmth >>
<< My street is mighty pretty all covered in snow >>
<< My wrapping this year was pretty spectacular. This is before I even got my hands on the bows and other decorations >>

Enjoy these last moments of 2013. Put something glittery on, catch a snowflake on your tongue and give someone a gift just because you want to, not because you have to.

From the desk of:

Taylor Brown
Lucky but Very Cold Lady

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